If you are there before the end
The end will must wait
A thousand years
Sitting and crying will wait
A thousand years…
I want a kiss from you
Just then my darling
Before we say goodbye
In my sky may have my own Jesus
A wide road to cross
An empty highway
Your name illuminated by lights…
Nothing to fear!
In a bed or on the floor
A perfect white doctor,
A glass of water by my side
A blue bag with my pants
Maybe go home, but not
I'm not there…
In infinite bridges the sun will rise
Light white wings in my back
Do not cry, it is really not that bad
Everything happens in a second
As a passing ray…
A sunbeam hugs me
I transform into light
My skin is made of diamond
By your hand holding me radiant
There are doors and a hill
I see you in this dream so real
That I can touch you asleep…
And if in the end you're next to me
It will have to wait a thousand years
Sitting and crying will wait
A thousand years…